U stalnoj pnudi su bicikli poznatih brandova:
*Bergamont, Marin, Wheeler, Norco...
Na upit, dostupni su i ostali modeli naših partnera:
*Nirve, Bianchi, Author (www.tct-author.hr)

"Hamburg is probably not the first city that comes to mind when thinking of a typical German bicycle manufacturer. Normally you would think of somewhere in the south around the Alps, or more mountainous regions. But Bergamont is a little different...
The thing tougher than our bikes? Probably the people riding them...

"Halfway across the Golden Gate Bridge, hundreds of feet above San Francisco Bay, is the southern boundary of a very different place. As you cross that line, you enter a different world, full of open space, quiet roads, and trails with amazing vistas—and far from the rush of city life. As the terrain changes, so too do the people. Life becomes less frenetic, more laid back, and more engaged with time and place. This is Marin County, the birthplace and home of Marin Bikes California..."

"We Work For your riding pleasure - At Wheeler, we have been working relentlessly and with much blood, sweat and tears for over 40 years to make our bicycles better and faster.Only when everything is right, the production starts on the highest level. In doing so Wheeler adheres to a thorough and strict quality control. Around the world, all these people cooperate closely to make sure that riders get to enjoy Wheeler bicycles that are equally convincing in terms of function, quality and design."
SINCE 1964
"We've been a part of the bike industry for 50 increduble years. We are driven by a genuine passion for cycling in all its forms, and that passion is the foundation for everything we do.
Bert Lewis founded Norco Bicycles in 1964 with a simple vision: build better bikes. From our humble beginnings operating out of a converted chicken coop in small-town B.C., we’ve grown into a global brand delivering more than 125 different models to cyclists worldwide..."